Community Relations

Community Relations

Building Bridges with Communities and Landowners

Building positive community relations is key to the success of renewable energy projects, where strong engagement with landowners and local stakeholders can ensure smooth development and avoid costly delays or legal challenges. Cinco Energy Management Group leverages over three decades of expertise in land management and acquisition to help developers foster community support, address concerns early, and build partnerships that facilitate project success. Our services ensure that developers can navigate complex community landscapes, ensuring project execution is efficient, transparent, and well-supported by local stakeholders.

Cinco Paves the Way for Success

CINCO has a 25-year track record of constructing community support for renewable energy projects such as wind, solar, battery storage, geothermal and carbon capture and storage projects across the Lower 48. We focus on understanding the values of the community, educating community leaders on all aspects of the project including safety, and addressing their social and environmental concerns.

carbon storage and CCS land management experience
Information Gathering

We support building community relations ahead of project development by gathering valuable information from local tax assessors, county clerk's offices, and Secretary of State records for estates, trusts, and corporate entities, helping to understand community needs, property values, and regulatory considerations. This research ensures informed decision-making and fosters positive relationships with stakeholders.

Evaluation of titles for wind energy projects
Determine Current Use

Knowing the current land use, whether residential, agriculture, ranching, provides essential context for engagement. We also we can identify any restrictions due to zoning or surface use that may impede development.

landowner and community relations and land management services
Relationship Building

Land professionals are often the “face” of the company in the community. Building relationships and creating value for landowners is a critical and important part of the property rights acquisition process. Our team helps developers address community concerns before they escalate, creating a positive foundation for future engagement.

landmen in land management services
Strategic Insights

We answer critical questions like: Who supports the project? Who might oppose it? What local concerns or obstacles need addressing? When and how should the company introduce itself to the community? Where will infrastructure be located? We also identify red flags early to mitigate risks that could otherwise derail a project.

Additional Resources from Cinco

Building Bridges: How Cinco Energy Supports Successful Landowner and Community Relations featured image

Building Bridges: How Cinco Energy Supports Successful Landowner and Community Relations

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The Chain of Title Process: A Look Inside One of Cinco's Core Services featured image

The Chain of Title Process: A Look Inside One of Cinco's Core Services

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Introduction to Accommodation Agreements in Renewable Projects When Minerals are Severed featured image

Introduction to Accommodation Agreements in Renewable Projects When Minerals are Severed

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